Club Kids for a Cause Inc.
Club Kids for a Cause Inc. is a fully youth-run
501(c)(3) non-profit organization aiming to relieve the financial strain on those afflicted by healthcare challenges. By hosting annual tennis tournaments along with silent auctions, our team wishes to help those in need when they need it the most.
As of 2023, we've raised a total of almost $50,000 from the tournaments, silent auctions, and goodwill donations!
One of the best things about this organization is that it's led by kids and just a few adults on the board to help advise us to make an impactful difference in people’s lives who are going through hardship.
Join us to help raise funds and awareness for patients and survivors in the state of Iowa by donating to the cause. If you are interested in learning more about our impact, click here.

A 501(c)(3) organization that raises funds and awareness for healthcare challenges one tennis tournament at a time.

Make a difference in the state of Iowa and those afflicted by healthcare challenges by contributing to the cause!
Venmo: @CK-Fac
please put "tennis" as message
Last 4 digits are 0511 (if needed)

Instagram: clubkidsforacause
Facebook: CK-Fac
Twitter: @ck_fac
Foundations We Have Donated To