Club Kids for a Cause is a fully youth-run non-profit organization dedicated to raise funds and awareness for patients and survivors in the state of Iowa.
As of 2023, we've raised a total of over $40,000! All proceeds made from the annual USTA sanctioned tennis tournaments, silent auctions, and goodwill donations are donated to healthcare charities or directly to individuals affected by healthcare challenges in our community.
Our goal is to use our shared passion, tennis, as a vehicle to help families affected by healthcare challenges.
The co-founders, Sid and Krisha, express "We saw an opportunity to use tennis as a way to help someone who was very influential in our tennis community, as well as show support for them in a very tough time. We saw how capable we were in making a positive impact, so we decided to continue the annual tournament to support various important causes.”
In order to maximize our impact, we have created a subcommittee that consists of players across the state of Iowa to help spread awareness of our mission.
For more information, check out our poster!